WCAC Newsletter #214, 15-03-19
Members can sign up for the events they wish to compete in by adding their name to the A-board which will be positioned in front of the EPSV Track Office during Club training sessions.
And any parents wanting to help out during the trials should let Dennis know ASAP by emailing: [email protected]
The Club has been asked to help out at the Chester Primary Schools Cross Country Championships on Friday, March 15, (1pm set up for 4pm start). If you can help please contact Dennis at: [email protected]
Marshals are needed to help ensure the Essar Chester Spring Five Miles Road Race and Chester Half Marathon prove a success.
The Club is hosting the Essar Chester Spring 5 Race from Cheshire Sports Club, Upton, Chester, on Wednesday, 10th April, while the Chester Half Marathon is taking place on Sunday 19th May. If you are able to help out please email Dennis at: [email protected]
And if you are running, please provide a marshal to enable us to keep staging this popular and prestigious event.
The Club needs more qualified Traffic Managers to organise our 3 road races such as the upcoming Chester Spring 5.
Having more qualified people allows greater flexibility within the team so an extra 2 or 3 would be great.
Please email John Parlevliet at: [email protected] if you are interested or speak to one of our existing TMs to find out more. (Eg Andy Carter, Ellie Robinson, Bob Benson, Pete Smith, Richard Batterham, or John Hughes)
Each delegate is certificated as this is a national award through the NCFE. www.ncfe.org.uk
All attendees get a certificate to prove their attendance at the course.
Venue: Manchester Regional Arena (Formally Sportcity) Ethiad Campus, Gate 13 Rowsley Street, Manchester M11 3FF
Date: Saturday 23rd March 2019
Time: 1 day course β 9.am start to 4pm finish
Course Code: NTM0024
The Club will cover the cost.
As of April 1st 2019, annual membership fees are to increase by Β£4 per member, and fees for the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (non-under 11s) and Saturday sessions at Ellesmere Port Sports Village are to increase by 50p, making fees as of April 1st 2019 as follows:
EPSV track/ indoor facilities fees: Β£1.50. per session.
Annual membership fees:
- First claim member Β£45.00
- Second claim member and each subsequent family member Β£40.00 each
- Student at university Β£35.00
- Second claim member Β£22.00.
- Eight year olds Β£32.00 (No EA fee).
- Competing coach Β£17.00
- Non-Competing active coach / Official Β£0.00
Why do we need to do this?
In both cases, the club is faced with rising costs, which it has previously absorbed by freezing both membership and track fees. We have also contributed a substantial sum towards the trackside facilities that are currently being built. While we understand that increasing both fees at the same time is not ideal, we feel that it is both the fairest and most effective ways of dealing with these costs.
Membership fees have remained static since 2017, since when there has been a total increase of Β£4 per member in the fees that the club pays to England Athletics and Northern Athletics (currently Β£15 and Β£2 respectively), which allow us both to compete in and organise events. As these fees are incurred by each club member, we feel the fairest way of addressing this is to increase fees paid by each member by Β£4, to allow us to continue to run the club as a responsible community organisation.
The rise in track and indoor facilities fees for club members is the first in the last decade, and is purely to recoup some of the costs that the club incurs in hiring the track, which rise by 20% each last year. We feel that the fairest way to do this is via the fees of those who use the facilities at EPSV.
We appreciate that having to bring more coins to the track may be inconvenient, so we are investigating ways in which this can be made easier, such as online payments.
We understand that extra strain on family and individual budgets is never ideal, but feel that both fees offer great value for money, for the excellent and ever-improving facilities that we use, for the time that our team of volunteer coaches, helpers, officials and race organisers give week in and week out, and for the opportunities to take part as a club member in many and varied events.
Emails will be sent to all club members during March, with a link to the Nifty Entries page from where membership fees (due on April 1st) can be paid.
If anyone is not wanting to renew they should email Membership secretary, Debbie Baker at: [email protected]
Following on from the recent article in our newsletter with regards to iron levels, Liz Renondeau, one of our senior endurance athletes and mum to under 11 boy, Thomas, would like to increase awareness of RED-s (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport). This is a subject that has received an increasing amount of attention in athletics and running media in recent months, with a number of high profile athletes sharing their own stories. It is a condition that athletes, coaches and parents should all be aware of.
Previously referred to as the Female Athlete Triad, the broader term RED-s (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport) was adopted in 2014 to reflect that male athletes are also at risk. Many athletes with RED-s start with the desire to change body composition, in most cases, lose weight, because they have either been encouraged to do so by coaches or fellow athletes in the belief that lighter = faster.
Most common methods include training more often and more intensely, whilst reducing nutritional intake. Nutritional intake becomes compromised and insufficient to meet the demands of training, resulting in potentially severe and longer term consequences. This can go unnoticed by the athlete, parents and coaches if performance improves in the short-term, but will come to a head once the consequences becomes visibly noticeable, injury prevalence increases, and performance starts to decline.
With eating disorders and relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-s), early intervention is extremely important, particularly in younger athletes. Clubs, coaches, parents and fellow athletes play a vital role in recognising some of the symptoms of RED-s and providing support.
The Train Brave campaign has been at the forefront of raising awareness with respect to RED-s and is an excellent source of information and advice for parents, athletes and coaches.
We are also sharing these three links to some recent articles in Athletics Weekly pertaining to elite athletes who have experienced RED-s.
Missing periods and/or severely delayed onset of periods in female athletes IS NOT a normal regular result of healthy and balanced training.
Athletes do not have to βearnβ food.
Exercise is not βpunishmentβ for eating.
Weight loss is NOT a βgo-toβ performance shortcut.
Lighter does NOT equal faster.
Fuelling training is vital.
For any athletes, parents or coaches requiring further information on RED-s, Liz is happy to help. Liz is not medically qualified but has competed in endurance running since her early teens and has seen a number of her running colleagues go through RED-s. She is therefore happy to act as a βsign postβ for athletes/coaches/parents looking for further information. Liz can usually be found at club track training sessions on Tuesday evenings.
Members and parents are reminded to look at the following links for updates about any Club training sessions being cancelled due to adverse weather conditions:
FACEBOOK: West Cheshire AC, West Cheshire AC Running Running, west cheshire ac jnr to u20 middle distance group
WEBSITE: www.westcheshireac.co.uk
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/westcheshireac
All parents of youngsters attending track training sessions are reminded to collect their sons and daughters from the track – not from the car park. The Club wants to ensure everyone stays safe and that every youngster safely leaves every track training session.
Anyone wanting to purchase club vests (Β£17) and/or hoodies (Β£15) is reminded that parents Vikki Brett and Joanne Lark will sell club kit at the EPSV Track Office AFTER Tuesday night training sessions.
Payment can be made by cash or by cheque (made payable to West Cheshire AC).
The Club needs urgent help, support, and assistance from parents during Tuesday evening training sessions at the Ellesmere Port Sports Village Athletics Track (6.30pm-8pm).
The club currently has a waiting list for under 11s, and this situation can only be resolved by asking parents to volunteer on a rota basis at Tuesday night training sessions.
PARENTS who can help should contact Dennis Wall on 07968643038 or email: [email protected]
All Club members are being invited to support our club by completing the Track & Field Online Management Course to help West Cheshire AC look after the Ellesmere Port Sports Village Athletics Track. Further details can be found here.
Club member Heather McLintock is a qualified physiotherapist and offers substantial discounted prices for West Cheshire AC members on production of their membership card. Heather can be contacted on 01244 381350 or 07885 462487.
This week’s Press Report is at this link.
Friday, March 15: Chester Primary Schools Cross Country Races, at EPSV (4pm).
Saturday, March 16: English Schools Cross Country Championships, Temple Newsum, Leeds
Sunday, March 17: Wrexham Marathon and 20 Miles Race (9am), and Half Marathon (10.30am)
Friday, March 22: Helsby and Frodsham Primary Schools Cross Country Races, at Delamere (1pm).
Saturday, March 23: West Cheshire AC Track & Field Trials Part One, at EPSV (10am-12 noon).
Sunday, March 24: Northern Mens and Womens Road Relay Championships and Under 15s and Under 17s 5k Road Race Championships, at Birkenhead Park, (11am)
Sunday, March 24: North West Regional Sportshall Athletics Championships, at SportCity, Manchester.
Sunday, March 24: Wilmslow Half Marathon (10.30am)
Wednesday, March 27: Year 7 Cheshire v Merseyside Schools Cross Country Races, at EPSV (5pm).
Wednesday, March 27: Wirral 5k Seaside Race (6.30pm)
Thursday, March 28: West Cheshire AC Track & Field Trials Part Two, at EPSV (6-8pm).
Sunday, March 31: Borders Road Running League (Buckley RC hosts) (11am)