Three West Cheshire AC girls help Cheshire to success

Three West Cheshire AC girls have helped steer their county to success.Georgia Barlow, Olivia Williams, and Sophie Baker represented Cheshire in the Under 11s Fun In Sportshall Athletics Meeting held at Sport City, Manchester.
Georgia won the six-lap parlaaf partnering Kelly Chadwick, and scored 45cms in the vertical jump, as well as making appearances in the 4×1 lap relay, and speed bounce.
Olivia competed in the hurdle relay, the grand prix, balance beam test, and javelin.
And Sophie participated in the over and under race, speed bounce, and balance beam test.
Cheshire Girls won the competition with 406 points, ahead of runners-up, Liverpool, on 400, and St Helens in third position on 391.
West Cheshire AC trio Dylan Salvi, Elijah Montez-Brown, and Cameron Weaver combined for the Cheshire boys team who finished fifth.
Dylan competed in the over and under relay, hurdles, balance beam test, and javelin, while Elijah scored points in the speed bounce, long jump, grand prix, and over and under relay.

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