Press Report: Young Guns for Virtual Texas Ultra
MICHAEL YOUNG is hoping to celebrate more than his 33rd birthday this Saturday.
The West Cheshire Athletic Club member is preparing to run 69 miles on a treadmill to raise money for the National Health Service.
“My wife, Harriet, has agreed to act as my support crew. I’m hoping there will be birthday cake at one of the virtual check points! She’ll also post some updates throughout the day on my Instagram page @theultrabear,” Michael said.
“I have signed up to the Possum Revenge 69 mile virtual ultra-marathon. This ultra-marathon is normally held in Texas in May but due to current events has gone virtual. I was drawn to this ultra due to the location having competed in the Austin marathon in February.
“The ultra-marathon will be ran on my treadmill in our conservatory, so I’ll be praying for a cool day, whilst totting up the miles on the running app.”
Michael is looking forward to contributing towards the NHS and is hoping to receive plenty of support.
He added: “NHS staff and volunteers are doing amazing work right now in caring for COVID-19 patients. Together, let’s show our respect and gratitude as they work tirelessly in the face of the virus. It’s our turn to make sure we look after them, to ensure they can keep doing their vital work.
“This national campaign, endorsed by NHS England, acknowledges and supports all NHS staff and volunteers who are looking after those affected by coronavirus. In these difficult times, it gives us all as individuals, groups and organisations the chance to show we care and to make a difference. Funds generated will be granted to member NHS Charities supporting the health and emotional well-being of those at the front-line of the NHS, so they can deliver the best care possible to coronavirus patients.
“The grants will cover above and beyond what the NHS alone can provide, such as well-being packs, accommodation, travel, parking and volunteer expenses. Supporting the longer term mental and rehabilitation of NHS staff, volunteers, patients and carers after the pandemic is over. Supporting NHS patients to leave hospital quickly and safely and to remain or stay out of hospital.”
Anyone wanting to donate can follow this link.
Further details about West Cheshire Athletic Club can be found at this link: