Training, 16/03/20 to 28/03/20
Work on the EPSV track is currently scheduled to take place from Monday March 16th (weather permitting), before the new season gets under way. The track will be out of bounds during this work, which is scheduled to take 10 days to complete.
Given the current Coronavirus situation, WCAC coaches are of the opinion that it would be unwise to train in a confined space indoors. As a result of this, the club’s indoor training sessions, originally planned for the EPSV Sportshall on Tuesday March 17th and 24th, and Saturday March 21st and 28th, are also cancelled.
Some training groups will be meeting off-site while the track and sport hall are out of bounds:
Jon Moss and Alan Littler’s sprints groups will be training at Deeside Stadium, Connahs Quay.
Ian Ackroyd’s middle distance training group will be meeting for sessions at Lloyd Drive, near M&S, from Monday 16th March (6:30pm start).
Graham Patterson’s training group, the junior group supervised by Dennis Wall, Mark Duffey, Ben Sache, and Becky Miller, and the new middle distance training group supervised by Tim Durrant, will be meeting for sessions at the NEXT car park, on the Coliseum shopping park, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17th March (6:30pm start).
Dave McKay and Jenny Manning’s circuit training session on Wednesdays in the Old Stanney sports hall will continue as normal (7pm start).
For other groups, please speak to the relevant coach about any off-site training sessions over the next fortnight.
The health and safety of our athletes, their parents, coaches, officials and volunteers is of paramount importance. Therefore, we respectfully request that if any athlete begins to display any of the publicised symptoms – or comes into contact with someone who has these symptoms – they do not attend any club sessions for the recommended isolation period as per Government guidelines.
As the Coronavirus situation appears to be constantly changing, and as the work on the track is weather dependent, please look out for regular updates, via emails from West Cheshire AC, as well as on this website, Facebook and Twitter, as to training session locations from Monday 30/03/20 onwards. In the meantime, please take care and continue adhering to Government health guidelines.